How to Properly Transport and Store Your Yard Cards: The Do's and Don'ts

The Do's and Don'ts of How to Properly Transport and Store Your Yard Cards

Yard cards have become increasingly popular over the years as a way to celebrate special occasions, from birthdays to graduations and everything in between. These customizable displays can be a great way to add a personal touch to any event or celebration. However, to ensure that your yard cards remain in excellent condition, it's essential to properly transport and store them. In this blog post, we'll cover the do's and don'ts of transporting and storing your yard cards, so you can keep them looking great for years to come.


Do Use Protective Covers or Bags

When transporting your yard cards, it's essential to use protective covers or bags to prevent them from getting scratched or damaged. You can use plastic covers or cloth bags to protect the cards from dust and moisture. This will ensure that your yard cards remain in pristine condition even during transportation.

Do Secure the Yard Cards Properly

Make sure to secure the yard cards in your vehicle properly. You can use straps or bungee cords to keep them in place and prevent them from moving around during transportation. This will prevent the cards from getting bent, creased or otherwise damaged while in transit.

Do Store in a Dry and Cool Place

When storing your yard cards, it's essential to keep them in a dry and cool place to prevent them from getting damaged. You can store them in a garage or a shed with a dehumidifier to keep the moisture levels low. This will prevent the yard cards from getting warped or damaged due to moisture exposure.

Do Use Hangers or Racks

If you have a large collection of yard cards, it's a good idea to use hangers or racks to keep them organized and easy to access. This will also help prevent them from getting damaged when stacked on top of each other. Using hangers or racks will ensure that your yard cards remain in good condition and are easily accessible when needed.

Do Keep Your Yard Cards Clean

The last thing you want to do after picking up your yard cards from a job is cleaning them but it's the best time to do it. Regularly cleaning your yard cards can help keep them looking new and prevent them from getting damaged. You can use a soft cloth or a brush to remove any dirt or debris. This will prevent the yard signs from getting stained or dirty, which can affect their appearance and overall quality.

Do Keep Them in a Safe Place

When storing your yard cards and signs, it's essential to keep them in a safe place where they won't get accidentally damaged or destroyed. Make sure to store them away from children or pets, who may accidentally knock them over or damage them. This will help ensure that your yard cards remain in good condition and are ready to use when you need them.


Don't Expose them to extreme temperatures

It's essential to avoid exposing your yard cards to extreme temperatures, as this can cause them to warp or crack. Make sure to store them in a cool and dry place to prevent this from happening. Exposure to extreme temperatures can also cause the colors on the cards to fade, which can affect their overall appearance and quality.

Don't Store Them in Direct Sunlight

Direct sunlight can cause the colors of your yard cards to fade over time. It's essential to store them in a shaded area or cover them with a protective cover to prevent this from happening. This will ensure that the colors on your yard cards remain vibrant and bright, even after extended use.

Don't Stack Them on Top of Each Other

Stacking your yard cards on top of each other can cause them to bend or warp. Use hangers or racks instead to keep them organized and easily accessible. This will prevent the cards from getting damaged or misshapen, which can affect their overall quality and appearance.

Don't Store Them Near Water Sources

Storing your yard cards near water sources can cause them to get wet, which can damage the coroplast material over time. Make sure to keep them in a dry place to prevent this from happening. Avoid storing them in areas prone to flooding or leaks, and be mindful of any pipes or water fixtures that may be nearby.

Don't Handle Them With Dirty or Wet Hands

Handling your yard cards with dirty or wet hands can cause them to get stained or dirty. Make sure to clean your hands before handling them to prevent this from happening. Additionally, it's important to avoid handling them with sharp objects or rough surfaces, as this can scratch or tear the yard cards. Use gentle and careful handling techniques to keep them in good condition.


Yard cards have become a popular way to celebrate special occasions and events, and they can add a personal touch to any celebration. However, to ensure that your yard cards remain in excellent condition and last for years to come, it's important to take proper care of them when transporting and storing them. By following the do's and don'ts outlined in this blog post, you can keep your yard cards looking great and ready to use whenever you need them.

In summary, here are the key points to keep in mind:


  • Use protective covers or bags
  • Secure the cards properly
  • Store in a dry and cool place
  • Use hangers or racks
  • Keep them clean


  • Expose them to extreme temperatures
  • Store them in direct sunlight
  • Stack them on top of each other
  • Store them near water sources
  • Handle them with dirty or wet hands

Remember to visit Yard Card Planet, Your Home For Everything Yard Cards. We are always available to help answer any questions you have or to assist with placing an order via our Live Chat feature on our website.

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